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Turkey Hunt Info

We are located in Northwest Missouri approximately 5 miles from the Iowa border, which allows us to hunt both Missouri and Iowa out of the same lodge. We hunt Harrison and Worth counties in Missouri, and Ringgold and Decatur counties in Iowa. We hunt over 20,000 acres of privately owned land that is managed for big spurs and high numbers of toms. Our land is a good mix of terrain, including hardwood timber, river and creek bottoms, hayfields, pastures, and CRP fields.

We have an excellent turkey population, with little hunting pressure to ensure quality hunting for years to come. We offer a limited number of bookings to help manage for higher quality birds for years to come. Our guided hunts are typically 100% successful, with our unguided hunts running close behind. We also offer archery hunts for spring turkey. We have taken 5 birds in the last few years with 1 ¾" or bigger spurs, some of the most impressive spurs for Eastern turkeys in the nation. Our average bird is 23 lbs, with birds every year in the 25-29 lb range. It is not uncommon to take a bird on our land with 1 ¼+ inch spurs and every year we take birds with 1 ½" spurs and up. We also have taken several multiple bearded birds over the years which make for an awesome trophy.

Our turkey hunts are 3 days for the spring turkey hunt. We do offer a combo hunt which is a 4 day hunt that includes 2 birds in Missouri and 1 bird in Iowa. In Missouri, it is a state law that we can only hunt until 1:00 p.m. In Iowa, we can hunt all day which makes for an awesome combo hunt. We hunt Zone 4 in Iowa for turkey. After turkey hunting, we also offer excellent crappie and bass fishing in 100+ ponds that are stocked for excellent fishing. We also offer some of the finest morel mushroom hunting in the nation. So if you time your turkey hunt just right, going home with a cooler full of morels is not out of the question. Shed hunting is also another great addition to the spring turkey hunt. We have many acres to cover for great shed hunting, so you can bag a turkey and take home some bone.

The licenses are over the counter for Missouri and can be purchased at any Walmart in the state of Missouri. Iowa licenses are by draw only, and must be applied for from January 1st to the last Sunday in January. There are leftover muzzle loading shotgun permits that are normally available after the regular draw, and we have 3 inline, muzzle loading shotguns that shoot just as accurately as a conventional shotgun that we let our hunters use. So if you miss the deadline for an Iowa turkey tag, you can usually purchase a muzzle loading shotgun permit and have the chance at a big Iowa tom in the afternoon. We hunt Zone 4 in Iowa for turkey.